Program on transportation in Iowa at Churdan library Thursday

The Churdan Public Library will host a program this Thursday, Nov. 14, at 6:30 pm. Leighton Christiansen, librarian of the Iowa Department of Transportation, will present “A Journey in Transportation: The Iowa Department of Transportation Centennial and Iowa Transportation History Highlights.”

The story of transportation in Iowa starts nearly 12,000 years ago, with nomadic peoples roaming the area. Rivers became transportation routes for trade 2,500 years ago. Transportation remained human- and animal-powered until the 1800s, when the first steam boats plied Iowa’s navigable rivers.

Now Iowa is home to transportation by highway, water, air, public transit, rail, and trail, much of it built, maintained or overseen by the Iowa DOT.

This year the DOT celebrates 100 years of connecting the people of Iowa to each other and the world. The photos, items, and stories on display highlight the many ways the DOT touches nearly all aspects of Iowa commerce, life and leisure.

The evening will include discussion and trivia about Iowa’s transportation history. All are welcome. Call the library at 515-389-3423.


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